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Dirty Laundry Vineyard

    Bordello Club Terms & Conditions

    Bordello Club Terms & Conditions


    By enrolling in the club, creating my first shipment and accepting my free gift I am agreeing to the following:

    I agree to commit to one (1) club shipment during which time I authorize Dirty Laundry Vineyard to send me wine and bill my credit card at regular intervals as defined by my choice of the Bordello Club level herein. I can opt out any time after receiving one (1) shipment by notifying Dirty Laundry. If I do not opt out after the initial term, Dirty Laundry Vineyard Vineyard is authorized to continue to bill my card and send me my wine at the same pricing and intervals until further notice. I understand that I can change levels at any time by notifying Dirty Laundry Vineyard Inc. If this subscription is a gift, I understand that I must designate the recipient's name, email and shipping address and can opt to have Dirty Laundry send a personal email message or keep it a surprise.


    I declare that every club shipment I receive either by pick up or signed for, will be received by someone of legal age in the jurisdiction of delivery. If the subscription is a gift, I warrant that such recipient is of legal drinking age n the jurisdiction of delivery.



    As a Bordello Club member, you will receive a discount that will entitle you to 10% off all regular priced items both in the wineshop and online. Please note that this discount CANNOT be applied to a wine club shipment (most club shipments already have an associated discount that cannot be combined with this 10% discount). For every order you choose to pick up at the winery, you will receive a shipping credit in the form of a $15 gift card good toward wine or merchandise at Dirty Laundry wine shop or Bordello Wine Club subscriptions, sale or discounted items, free shipping promotions, gift certificates, Bordello House reservations, bundled store specials or event tickets are ineligible for club member discounts. Standard shipping rates apply.


    If for any reason you need to have your subscription put on hold (such as during a move or temporary relocation), you should contact Dirty Laundry to arrange. This is available to you for a maximum of 6 months after which time Dirty Laundry will consider that you have terminated your subscription. You may also skip any one (1) shipment, provided that you do not skip more than one in a row. Should you request to skip more than one in a row, it may be considered that you no longer wish to be a member of the wine club and your membership may be cancelled. Should you for any reason, cancel your Bordello Club subscription prior to first shipment, you agree to allow your card to be charged a fee of $50 for any discounts received, the promotional gift(s) and administration costs associated with my membership.


    Dirty Laundry Vineyard respects your privacy as much as you do. Information is used solely for the purposes of wine club administration and past and current order administration. We will not share your private information with any third party for any reason.


    Dirty Laundry Vineyard Ltd. reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of wine club enrollment from time to time as business conditions change. In such case, Dirty Laundry will notify members of any changes in policy via the email address you have provided us. Members will have the option to opt out of their 12 month commitment if not in agreement with the changes in policy.

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