Wine has long been documented in history as a man-made medicine. In fact, in ancient Egyptian times, wine was used to treat many ailments. It was an antiseptic for treating wounds, a digestive aid, and a pain reliever during childbirth to name a few. In more modern times, drinking a moderate amount of red wine with an alcohol content of 12% -15% regularly, has been positively correlated with a variety of heart health benefits, and is a general tonic for vitality and good health! Great news!
You may have heard the term before, and you know it’s something that is good for you, but what exactly is an ‘antioxidant’? Simply put, antioxidants are a substance that removes potentially damaging oxidising agents in a living organism. It has been reported that antioxidants protect us from premature ageing, heart disease, cancer, and sometimes even depression and anxiety. While our bodies do make antioxidants, they are more plentiful in the foods we eat. Grapes, and in particular those with dark skins used in the production of red wines, have higher antioxidant properties due to the high concentrations of polyphenols, a category of compounds naturally found in plant foods.
Red wine has long been thought of as heart healthy. Resveratrol is a particularly powerful polyphenol that can help prevent coronary artery disease, the condition that leads to heart attacks. Studies have found that some of the red wine benefits coming from the presence of resveratrol are:
All in all, resveratrol is a pretty incredible component of your favourite bottle of red.
Another red wine benefit due to the presence of resveratrol is that it may protect against certain types of cancer (such as basal cell, colon, prostate carcinoma, ovarian) by blocking the growth of a cancer aiding protein. In addition, red wine grapes also contain other antioxidants and flavonoids (a group of plant metabolites thought to provide health benefits and antioxidant effects) that have been found to be effective in helping to reduce inflammation and fight cancer, namely catechins, quercetin and anthocyanins. Anthocyanin is a blue, violet, or red flavonoid pigment that is found in plants and is responsible for giving wine its deep colour. Anthocyanins possess many health benefits including being antidiabetic, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anti-obesity.
Health benefits of red wine also extend to your hair! Red wine can strengthen your blood vessels and improve blood circulation in your scalp which, combined with flavonoids in the wine, can reduce hair thinning. Flavonoids boost the growth of keratin and improve the protein content in your hair. Red wine can also assist in ridding the scalp of dead cell buildup and therefore the appearance of dandruff. Without dead skin cells clogging follicles, shiny, healthy hair can grow more easily!
According to Dr Oz, the main reason it’s hard for women over 40 to control weight gain around their core is due to loss of oestrogen. However, he states that “resveratrol may interfere with fat synthesis, and other red wine polyphenols may inhibit aromatase, an enzyme made by belly fat that converts androgens to estrogens”.
Moderate red wine intake may improve microcirculation in the eye and can be linked to a reduced risk of age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma, conditions which can all contribute to loss of vision.
According to research, the resveratrol present in red wines inhibits the formation of a protein in the plaque of the brains of people with Alzheimer’s. It has also been shown in studies to reverse the effect of brain damage. Miracle polyphenol resveratrol comes out on top again!
Red wine benefits the brain too. People who are moderate drinkers of red wine are less likely to be depressed as there are certain compounds present in wine that can regulate the level of serotonin in the brain. A study of middle aged and elderly people showed that those who drank 2–7 glasses of wine per week were less likely to become depressed.
Wine is a fermented product. This, combined with the polyphenols present in red wine gives it prebiotic properties which promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria.
Studies have found
that bone mineral density was higher among those who moderately consume red wine.
While all dry red wines have higher concentrations of health boosting polyphenols and less sugar content than white wine, there are two varieties in particular that are considered the healthiest red wines:
Pinot Noir
Experts have found the highest concentrations of resveratrol in
Pinot Noir, therefore rating it as the healthiest red wine. In addition, it often has the lowest sugar content of the red wines, resulting in less calories per glass.
Grapes used in
production have thick skins, giving it two to four times the amount of resveratrol, quercetin, and other antioxidants found in grape skins than Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot.
So, for all you red wine lovers out there, pour yourself a glass guilt-free, safe in the knowledge that there are significant red wine benefits for your heart, gut, and brain!
The Red Iron Grille is CLOSED for the 2024 season. Reopening April 2025!